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Dominion Equine Welfare is dedicated to finding solutions for at-risk equines through innovative ideas and actions, as well as sharing information based on the our experience with horse rescues, veterinary medicine and best practices of the equine community.





Make a Donation


Dominion Equine Welfare relies solely upon donations to support our efforts. We receive no government funding. Donations allow us to care for horses in need, help horse owners get through temporary rough patches (enabling them to keep their horses) produce educational materials and provide education to horse owners.

There are three ways to donate:

  1. Single Donation by PayPal* or Credit Card: All major credit cards are accepted.
  2. Recurring Monthly Donations by PayPal* or Credit Card: All major credit cards are accepted.
  3. Single or Recurring Donations by Mail: If you would like to donate by mail, checks made payable to Dominion Equine Welfare can be sent to:

                Dominion Equine Welfare
                10603 Orchard St.
                Fairfax, VA. 22030


*Note, you do not need a PayPal account to make your donation through PayPal, you will have the option to use your credit card by selecting "Don't Have a PayPal Account".

Designate Your Donation To A Specific Dominion Equine Welfare Effort


Donate in Honor or Memory of a Loved One:

Please leave your personal note in the PayPal form after entering your payment information.

Contributions to Dominion Equine Welfare are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

If you have any questions about donating, please contact us.


We are grateful for your support…thank you!

Copyrigcht © 2013 Dominion Equine Welfare